Category: JavaScript 101
JavaScript 101: Extras
JavaScript 101: Extras Just because you’ve completed all the lessons doesn’t mean you’re done just yet! Have a look at the below challenges designed to help you take that extra step and prepare for the JavaScript 201 course. Have a go at making each project, and save the code so you can share it! Take…
JavaScript 101: Variables
JavaScript 101: Variables As you’ve just seen, it’s possible to store data for use in your program, whether that’s now or later. This is made possible with variables. Think of a variable as a name you assign for a section of memory in your computer. Whatever you store in a variable will be stored in…
JavaScript 101: Operators
JavaScript 101: Operators In addition to storing data, we can also change the data to whatever we need it to be. One way of doing this is by using operators. You can add, subtract, multiply, divide, and more using arithmetic operations. But that’s just the first kind of operation you can use: Comparison operators allow…
JavaScript 101: Objects
JavaScript 101: Objects This lesson is arguably the most crucial aspect of JavaScript. Did you know that (almost) everything you interact with in JavaScript is an object? An object is simply a container for data values and functions. What makes objects special is that they allow us to represent real-world things easily. For instance, see…
JavaScript 101: Next Steps
JavaScript 101: Next Steps And that’s a wrap! By completing all of the challenges, you have officially completed JavaScript 101 with flying colours. Congratulations! 🎉🥳 Depending on your goals, you now have a choice for what you’d like to do next: If you have any feedback on this course or anything else, please feel free…
JavaScript 101: Loops
JavaScript 101: Loops If you successfully made the calculator and the quiz from the last few challenges, congratulations! You’re making huge progress already. Let’s move onto another of the core features of any programming language: the loop condition. Loops allow you to repeat tasks over and over again until a specific condition has been met.…
JavaScript 101: Introduction
JavaScript 101: Intro In this beginner course, you will learn how to read, write, and debug code using JavaScript. A dynamic, high-level language, JavaScript is simple to learn and rewarding to master. Built in 1995 to be a “language for the masses”, it’s mainly used to make websites and software. Here’s an example of how…
JavaScript 101: Functions
JavaScript 101: Functions It’s time to take everything you’ve learned so far and use them to full advantage. In this next lesson, you’re going to learn how to make functions that represent tasks, features, and functionalities of your program. A function is simply a sub-program within your code that can be called by instructions external…
JavaScript 101: Equals
JavaScript 101: Equals In JavaScript, the equals symbol is rather special. As you’ve seen, by using it on its own, you can declare the data to be held inside a variable: But as you’ve also seen, you can combine two equals symbols together (or with a greater/less than/equal to symbol) to create a comparison: If…
JavaScript 101: Debugging
JavaScript 101: Debugging You now know the basics of how to make programs using JavaScript. And like we said at the beginning, everything you’ve learned here is transferable to other languages. That said, one crucial thing we haven’t covered yet is how to debug, and what common errors occur in JavaScript. The five most common…